Sunday, September 14, 2008


No, no, I'm totally fine! I was even briefly considering loading up a g&t and sitting outside this afternoon... Hot diggity damn, it is a nice day!

So today is one of those days where you just cant get up. It's not pure laziness, I jam on Sunday nights and so I didn't get to bed until 12. Coupled with the raging of Saturday night, I was beyond having the energy to go to work. Whatever, you know you've done it!

On top of thoughts of gin and tonic, I plan to pay bills and do some cleaning today. Watch some Ricky Gervais and Sopranos, maybe even sing myself a song about... I dunno, cleaning the benchtop? Yeah, that'll be epic.

Since my last entry things have been better and worse, as only things could be. Left hanging by someone I hoped would have had the heart (read as: guts/will/determination) to step outside their comfort zone, but that's the way the proverb proverb proverbial proverb-AH! The band is making some progress, although I'm going to have to make an unpleasant phone call later this week, but sometimes in life you just cant settle for good enough will do. Actually discovering I'm maybe a tad more creative than I would give myself credit for. I'm still a shit guitarist!

Two weeks today until Melbourne. Bam. Going to be so much fun! Cheap booze, amazing food, Ben Sherman, American Apparel, Lee store, Dangerfield... basically Chapel st frenzy! And den... UNDEROATH! Fuck yeah. Plus catching up with Japan and Joey, great dudes. Crashing uni games parties. Being a larrikin with Matthew P Watt, Moochy and Wan.

I love that city!

incomingrumourgoooooo: DAVE TOOK HIS SHIRT OFF AT ATREYU!



Monday, September 1, 2008

So... howsabouts this weather?

Today is officially the second day of my favourite season - spring! Giddy up!

Jeans and tee weather... oh wait, you want to wear shorts today? That's cool man, because its warm enough out... That's right, you can wear whatever you want, it's not too hot, it's not too cold. If i am to believe the rumours, animals give birth and flowers bloom and all sorts of magical shit will occur over the next three months!

Soon enough it'll be warm enough to swim in the literal ocean.

Random stuff GOOO:

Today's good news: Jesus has agreed to try out for my band. haha. Not really, but a nice young man equipped with beard will try out this sunday night, i am pumped. We have been trying to find a candidate for a while, from all accounts he has the chops to play the riffs too.
*Please note I am not christian, or religious in any way. Charles Darwin is my BOY#!*
#I respect all others' beliefs, and would never challenge them. That's why it is called a belief. No one has the right to talk someone out of what the feel in their heart is the truth.#

Election time is creeping nearer... I wonder which one of these consummate fuck ups will be the victor. I have no faith in Labour or Liberal at state level. I think Kim Beasley should come back from dimension X and be voted supreme leader of the known universe, I really do have a soft spot for that human bowling ball of joviality. The public don't like him because he got Rove Mcmanus' name wrong on tv one time. Who gives a fuck?

Now onto his weekend: I'm hoping for a more relaxed Sat night than that just passed. I've placed my cards on the table. I know we all have our guards up, so hopefully we all learn to drop them, even for a little while. Bask in the release. Enjoy ourselves, take comfort. Life really does confuse the fuck out of me. I have no idea what it is i am actually supposed to do.

Ah well. It's only Tuesday.
